Sunday, August 8, 2010

Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow

On Friday, our last day in the park, we drove along the Trail Ridge Road to visit 'Rock Cut' in the northwest side of the park.   The road was being paved which led to some delays in getting to our destination.    We spent about an hour at Rock Cut, exploring the rocks and tundra at over 12,000 ft before stopping at the Hidden Valley picnic area to eat our lunch.   In the afternoon we split up.  One car went fly fishing, one went into town and the other went back to the house.  I had all intentions on going back out to hike to Mills Lake but in came a thunder storm that lasted a good part of the afternoon.   After a nice dinner at the house we had a party for Susan and Geoff who both turn the Big 5-0 next week (yes, they are very old).

**** NOTE: To zoom in on the pictures just single left click on them

One part of the rock formations at  Rock Cut

The interesting desrciption of how these mushroomed-shaped rocks were for formed
This marmot was not happy to be sharing Rock Cut with us - he was making a high-pitched noise 
Tina was supposed to be taking only my picture but Brad, inspired by a classic scene from The Shining, had other ideas
Tori and Elena trying (poorly) to be like Maria  from the Sound of Music
Happy Birthday to Geoff and Susan!


  1. what a great the views from your house.

  2. Thanks for the comments Susan and Melissa (and Tom the other day)! Susan, Melissa (my sister) can also relate to being 'really old'.... she too turned 50 in Feb!
