Sunday, August 1, 2010

Denver and Boulder

Our flight to Denver Saturday was fine.   Brad surprised us when we picked up our rental car by getting a tripped out Cadillac for the week.  The girls were very happy because the back seat is as big as a living room.  We met our friends at the Renaissance Inn and went with the Bulas to a concert at the Red Rocks Amphitheater.   The Helmers headed to a movie.   There are just three Helmers this year.   Perry says he is taking an organic chemistry class at UT but we all know he's taking "Scrabble: Game or Religion?".     Michael Franti was the performer at Red Rocks.   A few of us hadn't heard of him but apparently others had as the concert was sold out.  If there was ever a concert where you didn't know the artist or the words to the songs this would have been the concert for you - very simple phrases and lots of repeats.   As we were driving to the park we quickly realized what type of performer he was.  It was like we were back in Woodstock.   Lots of tie-dye, dreads and half-dressed people on the road and tailgating in the parking lot.  Red Rock was just as stunning as I thought it would be.   And.... sharing that experience with all those people brought the phrase 'Rocky Mountain High' to a whole new level, if you know what I mean...  Holy Moly.   I am glad none of our kids needed any drug testing done for a future employer the next day...  There was a three month old baby girl with pink head phones on (with her family) next to us.    I hope her brain wasn't damaged for life. 
Red Rocks Amphitheatre

Denver State Capital Building

On Sunday morning we toured around downtown Denver, around the capital building area.   It was beautiful.   We posed for a picture on the 13th step of the capital building that was marked 'One Mile Above Sea Level'.

Toasting to Beach Buddy Week (BBW) XVII

We stopped in Boulder on our journey to Estes Park.   We ate lunch along the open mall where there were tons of great shops and restaurants on Pearl Street.   Victoria would like to go back later in the week to see the University of Colorado at Boulder and check out their grad school.

Estes Park:
After some grocery shopping we made it to our rental house.   The town of Estes Park sits at 7500 feet.   Our house is even higher as it's on the side of a mountain.    It's past the town on the way to Rocky Mountain National Park.  The mountains are so close!   Can't wait to start exploring the park tomorrow...

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