Monday, August 2, 2010

A Coyote of a Day

We were all a little slow this morning getting out of the house to head up to the park.   After packing up our lunches and drinks for the day we first stopped at the park headquarters.    We had planned on driving to Bear Lake and doing the 3.6 mile round trip hike to Emerald Lake, the most popular hike in the park, but the parking lot was full.  Thank goodness for their park shuttle system.   Our starting elevation at Bear Lake was 9475 ft and, with the change in elevation to Emerald Lake being 605 ft higher,we were going to be at just over 10,000 ft.  Although the hike was relatively short the presence of the high altitude was felt by everyone.   We all made sure to drink lots of water.

We passed by a couple of small lakes along the way.  One had beautiful yellow water lilies in bloom.     

    On the way to Emerald Lake
The scenery was stunning.  It was cool seeing the glacial ice.   It started to rain right when we made it to Emerald Lake and most of the way back to our starting point at Bear Lake.  


 Just as our family was getting into the car to head home we saw a coyote!  Brad spotted him first, in the brush near the side of the parking lot.  Then he casually walked across the parking lot down to the field where there was a heard of elk grazing.
Our coyote friend

I was able to get this nice picture of him.   Pulling into our neighborhood, which is on the side of a small mountain, we saw another coyote.... two in one day!

Sunset seen from the house

The day ended by seeing a beautiful sunset.

On Tuesday everyone but the three moms are going fly fishing for the day.   Can't wait to hear the stories about all the fish that got away!

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